Global Futures Scholarship. The University of Manchester is pleased to offer more than £2.9 million in scholarships to international students beginning their studies in September 2023. It is open to both undergraduate and graduate students holding an offer from the University …
The Rhodes Scholarship The Rhodes Scholarship is a fully funded, full-time, postgraduate award that enables talented young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. It covers Oxford University course fees as well as providing an annual …
UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship The UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship aims to enable and encourage international students from low-income backgrounds to pursue full-time undergraduate degree studies at UCL. UCL Access Opportunity Scholarship The purpose of the Access Opportunity Scholarship is to …
Kuwait Scholarships This scholarship is open to students of Kuwaiti nationality. Students should first apply to Goldsmiths for an offer. Fully-funded scholarships include tuition fees, full maintenance and living costs for the duration of your course, visa and healthcare surcharge …
Think Big Undergraduate Award Prospective international students can apply for funding towards the cost of tuition fees and living costs. Sanctuary Scholarship Funding for students from asylum-seeking and refugee communities. The scholarship offers support towards the costs of foundation, undergraduate …
Simon and June Li Undergraduate Scholarship These scholarships have been established by Simon and June Li to provide funding for undergraduate students demonstrating exceptional academic merit who may be prevented from taking up their course of study due to financial …
THE BEACON SCHOLARSHIP. The Beacon Scholarship is a programme for developing leaders that supports “changemakers.” We identify young people with leadership potential who are in need of financial assistance, give them access to the best possible education, equip them with …
Sanctuary Scholarships. Being a University of Sanctuary fills us with pride. In order to assist you if you have applied for asylum in the UK, we provide three Sanctuary Scholarships per academic year. They are designed to assist you with …
GREAT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDY. Students from 14 nations have the chance to receive £10,000 toward their tuition costs for a variety of one-year taught postgraduate courses under the GREAT Scholarships programme. In England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, 49 …