Safeguarding of Adults Level 2 Training Course
Safeguarding means protecting the health, well-being, and human rights of vulnerable persons, allowing them to live in a secure environment free of abuse and neglect. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the safety of others. This Safeguarding Adults …
Safeguarding means protecting the health, well-being, and human rights of vulnerable persons, allowing them to live in a secure environment free of abuse and neglect. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the safety of others. This Safeguarding Adults Level 2 course will give your staff the vital knowledge and skills to protect vulnerable adults from harm and abuse.
This Safeguarding of Adults Level 2 is for staff who have additional responsibilities in responding to safeguarding matters. Perfect for a more experienced member of a team who has already completed the introductory level 1 training course. This Safeguarding of Adults Level 2 training course will help learners gain knowledge and understanding of the ways in which vulnerable adults might be harmed, abused, or exploited.
It’s a statutory requirement for anyone working with vulnerable adults to have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding policies, legislation and guidance. This online Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 2 course covers key legislations, what safeguarding is, why safeguarding is important, how to recognise the signs of abuse, the responsibilities of different safeguarding roles, how to communicate effectively and how to handle safeguarding incidents and concerns.
We offer Safeguarding of Adults training Level 1 and Level 3.
The aim of this Safeguarding of Adults Level 2 training course is to greater increase your knowledge of adult safeguarding, protecting vulnerable people, and the relevant safeguarding legislation.